Our peaceful, lovely university town suffered the indignity of a Presidential Visit this morning. What did America's Best Small City do to deserve such a thing?
We sang "America the Beautiful" & "This Land is Your Land," and we chanted such inflammatory rhetoric as "No More Lies" and "This is What Democracy Looks Like."
No real crowd count done, but best estimates are a couple hundred, which is as good or better than what usually turn out for the parade & fireworks. Nearly all the college students are gone, and many of the "townies" are out of town for the holiday.
It was a peaceful protest, even when the Chosen Ones came out of the Protected Zone & started heckling us. It never escalated beyond a little yelling back & forth.
I understand some Talking Head on MSNBC questioned the patriotism of the protestors. Many of us were decked out in red, white, & blue, many flag design t-shirts were seen. Many thanks to those of you who have already defended us. Keep those emails flowing - those idiots need to be reminded what America is supposed to be!
Some woman in her late 50's came over to my EIGHTY year old mother to yell about her sign.
This woman yelled at Mom that she was a lifelong resident of Morgantown, and he was too welcome! News Flash, Sweetie - my mother graduated from Morgantown High School before you were born!
It was a great morning, and I'm glad I gave up sleeping in on my last day of vacation to participate. DEMOCRACY RULES!
The fat republican male who supports the war but will not enlist?
Or the people who actually take action for what they believe in?
And you idiot, it is a ticketed only event for very “special” people:
Real thinking Republicans know how to argue sensibly. You sound like a Limbaughian Republican to me. Calling names, making fun. You probably think torture is a fraternity prank, just like Rush does.
controlled event?
how about bush's agenda for creating new nuclear power in the u.s., proposed at a nuclear plant in virginia to great adulation...
are there any other appropriate contexts for this announcement?
guess what, he's also going to put money into coal, because its a good area to spend tax-payers money on. do you agree?
i feel this is archaic. most of the world has moved past the 18th century.
let's get a little imaginative shall we. where else can we find energy?
not in bush, he's about as flat as the prairies!
People have been arrested and forcibly removed from the Fuehrer's rallies for even hinting at opposing him.
These protestor were kept far away from der Fuehrer. The man would crap his pants if the protests got any where near him. You see in der Fuehrer's America opposition to his policies is just unacceptable and those people have to be kept far, far away lest it tarnish his image as a strong leader.
The Fuehrer's cronies can pull the wool over his Kool-aid drinking supporters eyes, as has apparently have done with you, by creating the illusion on TV that he is enjoying massive popular support. People like you just lap it up.
But I suppose your idea of freedom and democracy is that it is reserved only for people who think exactly like you.
You sir are a coward and a phoney patriot.
But that's OK, you're allowed to be an ignorant coward in this country, as long as you support der Fuehrer.
Coming from a guy who has “dog” in his name… says it’s an “adult” conversation… and was first to label an entire group of American people as "pussies", oh the hypocrisy, but you are use to it I am sure.
Why don’t you just stay up there in Pittsburgh?