Republicans hate

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Friday, August 05, 2005

Republicans Concerned John Roberts Doesn't Hate Gays Enough

Posted by Frankie at 8/05/2005 08:23:00 AM

It has already been reported that SCOTUS nominee John Roberts had done some pro bono work for a gay rights. The LA Times reported about Roberts involvement in a 1996 case in which is a major landmark case for gay rights. However, this has Republicans and "christians" on the right upset and up in arms. The NY Times is all over it:
The White House immediately sought to reassure Judge Roberts's conservative backers, telephoning prominent leaders, including Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, but it appeared that not all of them had been convinced.
Even the drug addicted pigman "weighed" in:
"Even so, reports of his involvement echoed on conservative talk shows Thursday, generating outrage and disbelief. "There's no question this is going to upset people on the right," Rush Limbaugh told his radio listeners. "There's no question the people on the right are going to say: 'Wait a minute. Wait a minute! The guy is doing pro bono work and helping gay activists?' "

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Find something on here that is not a "fact." ???

And go ahead with your library desk job where you obviously site around listening to chickenhawk right wing radio all day, listen to a man who calls civil affairs officers in the military "staff pukes." A man who didn’t fight in Vietnam because a pimple on his ass. All while being paid by the Florida tax payers.

I am sure the Republican Florida tax payers would love to know how you waste their money online while at your job.
Posted by Blogger Frankie on 1:59 PM  
and the drug abuse too, and being married 3 times, and being fat, and a racist... did I forget anything?
Posted by Blogger Frankie on 2:14 PM  
Thanks for the info, though I can take care of myself pretty well. Where is not one thing where I said "I hate" or "Liberals hate"...etc anywhere. This site is about Republican action that hate America, and I post it. I am sorry but being upset that a judge may be not conservative enough because of his pro bono work IS HATING AMERICA and what this country stands for. It's that simple. I respect everyone’s right to be what they are. But don't be hypocritical about it. When a liberal goes bad or is out of line in my point of view, I call them out on it. Republicans seemed to be married to the party no matter what, being Republican is standing for only calling yourself a Republican and reciting talking points given. There is no debate, as liberals have. That’s half our problem IMO, we argue with each other instead of going rank in file.
Posted by Blogger Frankie on 10:51 PM  
Nice cut and paste, do you right click or CTRL C, CTRL V ???

Wow, that’s the first time I heard than Gannon / Guckert was "sleeping" with Bush, now McClellan or Rove maybe. Leave it to a Republican to be fascinated with someone else’s sex life though…

Only a Republican would criticize somebody for raising grassroots money instead of large corporate donations
Posted by Blogger Frankie on 2:08 AM  



2006 Republicans Hate America
