Republican Bill O'Reilly called this man who has been dead for almost four years, "unprofessional" and "incompetent."
O'Reilly is pissed at the Syracuse Post-Standard. You see, they've "smeared" him (i.e. brought up the Mackris scandal.) Said O'Reilly, "The villains at that paper are publisher Stephen Rogers and editorial writer Mark Libbon. These men are not only unprofessional, they are incompetent." He even put their pictures up on the screen during his April 24th broadcast.
O'Reilly left out one key bit of information. If you want to bitch out the man on the left, you'll have to dig him up first. He died on November 12, 2002.
We want to recognize O'Reilly and his crack staff for smearing a man who dedicated his life to his community until he passed away at the age of 90.
Evidently, death means nothing to O'Reilly, as he still wants you to call the deceased Stephen Rogers. Bill posted his phone number that is patched through to the next life on his website:
Take whatever side you want on the immigration debate, this is just another indisputable example of right wing hate and racism.
As the public debate over immigration reform has taken center-stage in American politics and public life, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other racists have declared "open season" on immigrants and attempted to co-opt and exploit the controversy by focusing their efforts -- and their anger -- on the minority group at the center of the controversy: Hispanics.
As a result, to a level unprecedented in recent years, America's Latino immigrant population has become the primary focus of hateful and racist rhetoric and extreme violence -- aided, abetted and encouraged by America's white supremacist and racist hate.
No, I am not kidding, apparently some Republican nut job went off on the 28 Emmy winning science educator for explaining that the moon reflects light from the sun, not producing it. Evidently the Bible says different, so it must be wrong.
The Emmy-winning scientist angered a few audience members when he criticized literal interpretation of the biblical verse Genesis 1:16, which reads: “God made two great lights — the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”
He pointed out that the sun, the “greater light,” is but one of countless stars and that the “lesser light” is the moon, which really is not a light at all, rather a reflector of light.
A number of audience members left the room at that point, visibly angered by what some perceived as irreverence.
“We believe in a God!” exclaimed one woman as she left the room with three young children.
Nye also was critical of what he said was governmental agencies’ lack of action, even lack of understanding, in protecting the Earth from global warming and wasted resources.
Nye’s educational science show won 28 Emmy awards during its television run from 1992-98.
It seemed most in attendance were pleased to hear Nye speak, and some were even awed by the presence of a childhood icon.
“How cool is that, to be face to face with the man, Bill Nye?” said Jared McClure, who worked sound and video for the event. “And he’s funny, too.”
Bill Nye, the harmless children's edu-tainer known as "The Science Guy," managed to offend a select group of idiot adults in Waco when he suggested that the moon does not emit light.
As even most elementary-school graduates know, the moon reflects the light of the sun but produces no light of its own.
Nye was in town to participate in McLennan Community College's Distinguished Lecture Series. He gave two lectures on such unfunny and adult topics as global warming, Mars exploration, and energy consumption.
But nothing got people as riled as when he brought up Genesis 1:16, which reads: "God made two great lights -- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars."
The lesser light, he pointed out, is not a light at all, but only a reflector.
At this point, several people in the audience stormed out in fury. One woman yelled "We believe in God!" and left with three children, thus assuring that people across America would read about the incident and conclude that Waco is as nutty as they'd always suspected.
Some right wing nutjob in Georgia (imagine that) has a problem with Harry Potter because it teaches childen "witchcraft" is it totally "evil."
Harry Potter has a new foe -- a Gwinnett County parent who wants the popular boy wizard books banned from Gwinnett County books.
On Thursday afternoon, parents and students spoke at a hearing that will ultimately decide whether the books will stay or go.
People who love the books say they are happy that kids are reading the books as much as they are. They say that the books are ultimately about good versus evil. But opponents say that the books with their magic wands and spells are all about evil.
“I’m a true example of how Harry Potter books can open your life to witchcraft,” said Jordan Susch.
Susch says she read the first Harry Potter novel when she was in the fourth grade. Two years later, she says, she and her friends were practicing witchcraft.
“We wanted to know if spells, potions and curses worked. By the seventh grade, I was so depressed, I set a date to kill myself,” Susch said.
Susch has joined Laura Mallory’s fight to get the novels removed from the Gwinnett County Schools’ shelves.
“I want to protect my kids, children and others from evil,” Mallory said. “Not fill their minds with it.”
Other students spoke in favor of the books, saying that it is a fictional book, and that they don’t confuse fiction with reality.
Fifth grader Jessica Grimes says the Harry Potter books are the very reason she enjoys reading.
“The Harry Potter books have helped me and other kids with our accelerated reading goals. So, really, the books help us rather than hurt us in school,” said Grimes.
Throughout the district, the Harry Potter books are the most popular books in the system. Some fear that if the books are taken away, younger kids could lose interest in reading altogether.
“Did you ever see kids get excited over the opening of a book before Harry Potter?” asked seventh grader Baillie Hill.
Here is a count of the total times the word "Maverick" had been used to describe or in the context of Republican Senator John McCain. The count starts on May 11th, 2006 which is the date of the first major Republican straw poll.
Some neighbors of mine, who live around the corner, kept their DeLay sign up long after the primary election. The man of the household (and I use both of those terms loosely) said he did it because he knew I had to drive by it every day and he wanted to hack me off. Sounds a little passive-aggressive to me, so I didn't let the sign bother me, figuring it was a mental health issue and I don't screw around with crazy people.
This morning as I drove by, I couldn't help but notice ..... well, a picture is worth a thousand words and I only know about 457 of them so I'll let you take it from there.
Here is a count of the total times the word "Maverick" had been used to describe or in the context of Republican Senator John McCain. The count starts on May 11th, 2006 which is the date of the first major Republican straw poll.