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Sunday, July 17, 2005

South Carolina Targeted Of Christian Exodus

Posted by Frankie at 7/17/2005 10:33:00 PM

The “Christian” organization Christian Exodus hopes to have a major impact on the state government of South Carolina by the year 2016. The non-profit organizations goal is to begin with 2,500 new Republican voting “Christians” inside the Palmetto State by 2006. From their website, a list of “Problem[s]" in South Carolina that the group is moving to change:


Christians have actively tried to return the United States to their moral foundations for more than 30 years. We now have a professing Christian president, a Republican Congress and a Republican Supreme Court. Yet consider this:

  • Abortion continues against the wishes of many States
  • Sodomite and lesbian "marriage" is now legal in Massachusetts (and coming soon to a neighborhood near you)
  • Children who pray in public schools are subject to prosecution 1
  • Our schools continue to teach the discredited theory of Darwinian evolution
  • The Bible is still not welcome in schools except under unconstitutional FEDERAL guidelines
  • The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display
  • Sodomy is now legal AND celebrated as "diversity" rather than condemned as perversion
  • Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as "hate speech" 1 2 3
  • Fathers are denied equal rights under law in cases of child custody
  • Our right to keep and bear arms continues to be INFRINGED
  • Private homes are now subject to arbitrary government seizure
From a local Fox “News” article, here are some quotes from citizens of South Carolina about the Christian Exodus plans for the state. Local rapture watcher Reggie Brown from Mauldin, SC says:

"I think it's fantastic, I think we need more of that actually. I don't know which direction our government is heading in, but I think they need Christian influence, it would go a long way, I really think so," says Mauldin resident, Reggie Brown.

“I think it's fantastic, I think we need more of that actually. I don't know which direction our government is heading in, but I think they need Christian influence, it would go a long way, I really think so… I think it's great, bring them on.”

Hey Reggie, great line by the way, where did you get that from? So now lets all “bring on” on terrorist, Iraqi insurgents, and now “Christians.”

Constitutionalist Percy Croft of Greenville agrees,

"America was founded on Christian principals...people with different views about Christianity, you have them getting into the elected positions and they don't want to see this country stay the way it is, they want it to change...They're getting away from what they were founded on."

South Carolina does have some critical thinkers thankfully, Windy Sizemore of York, SC says

According to Windy Sizemore of York, SC, "I don't think that any one group trying to take over is good in anything."

"I don't think that any one group trying to take over is good in anything."

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