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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rick "man on dog" Santorum: States Have Right To Ban Birth Control

Posted by Frankie at 7/26/2005 11:34:00 AM

Republican Senator Rick "man on dog" Santorum let it all hang out last night on CNN. Rick told CNN's Aaron Brown that Griswold v Connecticut was wrongly decided. As a refresher, in 1965 Connecticut banned anything that prevented contraception, as stated:
"Any person who uses any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception shall be fined not less than fifty dollars or imprisoned not less than sixty days nor more than one year or be both fined and imprisoned."
The case went all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled:
"statute forbidding use of contraceptives violates the right of marital privacy which is within the penumbra of specific guarantees of the Bill of Rights."
However, Rick Santorum thinks Griswold v Connecticut was "wrongly decided," and "it was a bad law, but they had the right."

Also Ricky says there is "no" right to privacy in the constitution except in, "unreasonable search and seizure."

In other "man on dog" news, Ricky rules out 08 Presidential bid.

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