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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ohio GOP Lies: Al Franken to Republicans, "drink poison and die"

Posted by Frankie at 10/26/2006 03:02:00 PM

Think Progress has the latest on the desperate Republican Party in Ohio pulling out all stops in publishing a satirecle made up quote from a book written by right wing wacko Bernard Goldberg. Not only is the quote, who was written by a Republican, falsely claimed to be said by Al Franken, they did some type of sick photoshop of Franken in a diaper... What is really on the minds of these Gross Old Pedophiles?

Yesterday, the Ohio Republican Party sent out a news release (full text here) attacking Rep. Sherrod Brown (D) for enlisting the support of comedian Al Franken:

It is not surprising that Sherrod Brown is enlisting the help of a Hollywood liberal, who like him, is so far out of the mainstream of Ohio values. What is troubling is that Brown would solicit support from someone [Franken] who compared conservatives to Nazis “who should drink poison and die.”

The quote used in the news release is taken from Bernard Goldberg book, 110 People Who Are Screwing Up America, in an alleged interview between Goldberg and Franken. But in his book, Goldberg makes it clear that the exchange is completely fictional. The Ohio Republican Party represented it as fact.

The news release was accompanied by this photograph, showing Franken dressed up like a baby bunny, wearing adult diapers and clutching a fluffy white teddy bear.

Andy Barr, director of Franken’s Midwest Values PAC, confirmed, “The picture is a fake.” The Ohio Republican Party used a 2004 AP photo of Franken for the doctored image:

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2006 Republicans Hate America
